Lookup/Ibis web service client API
Classes summary
GroupMethods | Methods for querying and manipulating groups. |
IbisAttribute | Class representing an attribute of a person or institution returned by
the web service API. Note that for institution attributes, the
IbisAttributeScheme | Class representing an attribute scheme. This may apply to attributes of people or institutions. |
IbisClientConnection | Default implementation of the |
IbisContactPhoneNumber | Class representing a phone number held on an institution contact row, for use by the web service API. |
IbisContactRow | Class representing an institution contact row, for use by the web services API. |
IbisContactWebPage | Class representing a web page referred to by an institution contact row, for use by the web service API. |
IbisDto | Abstract base class for all DTO classes. This defines a couple of methods used when unmarshalling DTOs from XML. |
IbisError | Class representing an error returned by the web service API. |
IbisGroup | Class representing a group returned by the web service API. |
IbisIdentifier | Class representing a person's identifier, for use by the web service API. |
IbisInstitution | Class representing an institution returned by the web service API. |
IbisMethods | Common methods for searching for objects in the Lookup/Ibis database. |
IbisPerson | Class representing a person returned by the web service API. Note that the identifier is the person's primary identifier (typically their CRSid), regardless of which identifier was used to query for the person. |
IbisResult | Class representing the top-level container for all XML and JSON results. This may be just a simple textual value or it may contain more complex entities such as people, institutions, groups, attributes, etc. |
IbisResultParser | Class to parse the XML from the server and produce an IbisResult. |
InstitutionMethods | Methods for querying and manipulating institutions. |
PersonMethods | Methods for querying and manipulating people. |
Interfaces summary
ClientConnection | Interface representing a connection to the Lookup/Ibis server, capable of invoking methods on the web service API and unmarshalling the results. |
Exceptions summary
IbisException | Exception thrown when a web service API method fails. This is wrapper
around the |